Breast Implant Removal in Portland, OR

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There are a number of reasons why a patient might want to have their breast implants removed, whether it's a medical issue, an aesthetic reason, or a simple change of heart. Whatever the reason, Dr. Sean McNally and The Oregon Clinic and Réviance teams are happy to discuss breast implant removal as a way to restore your natural appearance and correct any problems. Reach out to our cosmetic surgery office in Portland, OR to find out how Dr. McNally can restore the natural size of your breasts while preserving their shape and perkiness to produce amazing results.

Breast implant removal surgery performed by Dr. McNally can help you with finding a renewed appearance and higher degree of health with a number of other impressive benefits, some of which are:

  • Allows you to reevaluate implant shape or totally remove them
  • Addresses capsular contracture and subsequent pain
  • Resolves spinal discomfort
  • Removes uncomfortable scar tissue
  • Addresses ruptured implants
  • Benefits mobility and high-impact activity
  • Eases risks of rupture and health concerns
  • Makes mammograms clearer and more accurate
  • No need for replacing implants every 10 – 15 years
  • Healing period is fairly brief

Breast implant removal can correct a variety of issues you might experience after breast augmentation, from complications like capsular contracture to simply being unhappy with the look or feel. In some cases, you might simply want to return to your natural size. Whatever the reason, breast implant removal can operate to counteract the outcomes of breast augmentation surgery and, if coupled with a breast lift, can restore a natural, desirable aesthetic look. Before your surgery, Dr. McNally will learn more about the final look you want to achieve and discuss your options for creating it.

First, an incision will be made, most likely in the same place where the original incision was made for your breast augmentation. This will allow access to the breast capsule, or the pocket containing the implant and surrounding scar tissue. In cases where the scar tissue has thickened enough to affect the shape of the breast (a condition called capsular contracture), Dr. McNally may need to remove this, as well as the implant. Due to the sudden loss in volume, it is very common to complement breast implant removal with additional procedures to help shape or fill out the breasts, including a breast lift or fat transfer. These additional surgeries may be done at the same time as the implant removal or at a later date. During your initial consultation at The Oregon Clinic or Réviance, we'll talk about your aesthetic wishes and make a treatment plan. Call one of our locations in Portland, OR to schedule a consultation to discuss breast implant removal.

I just explanted with Dr. McNally. I really wanted to have an en bloc capsulectomy done and it was very important to me to pick the right surgeon for this. Although Dr. McNally could not promise he could do this and would only do this if this did not put me at risk, which I greatly appreciate that. He was very successful in doing the en bloc capsulectomy along with a lift. I could not be happier with the results. I highly recommend Dr. McNally. He is very skilled and caring.

Anonymous RateMDs

I just explanted with Dr. McNally. I really wanted to have an en bloc capsulectomy done and it was really important to me to have the right surgeon to do this. Although Dr. McNally could not guarantee he could do this and would only do this if this did not put me at risk, which I greatly appreciated that he was successful in doing the en bloc capsulectomy along with a lift. I am extremely happy with the results and I highly recommend Dr. McNally. He is very skilled and caring.

J.E. Google

I just explanted with Dr. McNally. I really wanted to have an en bloc capsulectomy done and it was really important to me to have the right surgeon to do this. Although Dr. McNally could not guarantee he could do this and would only do this if this did not put me at risk, which I greatly appreciated that he was successful in doing the en bloc capsulectomy along with a lift. I am extremely happy with the results and I highly recommend Dr. McNally. He is very skilled and caring.

J. Google


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The recovery period will vary for each individual depending upon the reconstruction needed after the procedure. After the process, Dr. McNally will provide post-procedure directions and may suggest additional treatments to help eliminate scarring. For the first few weeks, patients will experience bruising and swelling and must restrict strenuous exercise until otherwise permitted. However, patients are invited to get up and gradually move around as it will help with blood circulation. Optimal results can normally be observed approximately 4 – 6 months following the procedure.

About Us

If you have experienced rupturing or other adverse symptoms related to your breast implants, then insurance may cover some or all of the cost of your breast implant removal. No matter why you want your implants taken out, The Oregon Clinic and Réviance can help you return to your natural size without sacrificing the look and shape of your breasts. Dr. McNally takes a keen interest in understanding each patient's unique aesthetic needs and will be happy to discuss your own goals during your consultation. Call one of our locations to find out how we have helped numerous patients needing breast implant removal in Portland, OR.

Am I put under during breast implant removal surgery?

Yes, you are. Breast implant removal surgery with Dr. McNally at The Oregon Clinic or Réviance is conducted under general anesthesia. Dr. McNally and our team will ensure your safety and comfort throughout the anesthesia process.

What will my breasts look like after the implant removal surgery?

Post-surgery appearance can vary significantly and may depend on factors such as the size of the original implants, your natural breast tissue, and whether a breast lift is performed. Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns you might have with Dr. McNally at your consultation.

Can I enhance my cup size with new implants after they are removed?

Yes. If you're considering increasing the size of your existing implants, Dr. McNally can replace your current breast implants with bigger ones. During your first appointment, it's important to discuss your aesthetic preferences with him, ensuring he's clear on the desired outcome you have in mind.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.